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At Toyberg, we believe in fostering a love for reading from an early age. That’s why we’ve curated a delightful selection of the finest books for children, designed to ignite imaginations and inspire young minds to embark on unforgettable literary adventures.
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Toyberg history
Toys galore! Stop in for hands on play with many different toys and puzzles developed for all stages and ages. Hundreds of flags and kites on display, too!
Toyberg history
Toys galore! Stop in for hands on play with many different toys and puzzles developed for all stages and ages. Hundreds of flags and kites on display, too!
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">What our customers have to say
Our customers trust us for quality, expertise, and unmatched support.
Wendy Carnell
A must visit place with kids when you visit Frankemuth. I love that they have toys available to explore! And their prices are great.
Holly Hudson
Such fun toys…and educational toys. My daughter could have shopped there all day. Many of the toys even had videos detailing their use. The window display draws you right in. We were so entranced we even forgot to look for their gnome.
Jessica Friske
This is such a fun toy store! They have lots of great toys for kids of all ages, and they have books including board books. The lady who was working was very friendly.
James M
What a fabulous, non-traditional toy store; they have things for everyone that are not necessarily electronic-based, which is excellent, in my opinion. They have puzzles for all ages. Building kits for all ages, it is a neat store for those looking to get away from today’s technology, but with a modern twist of toys for all ages.
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